

MONO Bracelets is a young Spanish based in Barcelona and come in a range of different colors and styles, like the cross and the skull. Each color has a special meaning.

Red - passion, sensitivity, love
Blue - harmony, friendship, devotion
Green - hope, balance, youth
Yellow - enjoyment, creativity, rich life 
Pink - kindness, sensitivity, pleasure 
Orange - party, pleasure, happiness 
White - innocent, harmony, serenity 
Black - nobility, fidelity, seriousness 
Purple - tranquil, dignity, confidence 
Grey - modern, innovative

The brand is already embraced by several celebrities like Kanye West and others. Buy them online at www.colette.fr


Anonymous said...

The website link doesn't work! It takes me to a place holder page with a stock image of an older couple.

Other than that, these bracelets look pretty interesting! The skull one reminds me a bit of something you might see from Mcqueen.

Www.mullermode.nl said...

.fr will work